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Rehab Protocols

Below are the rehabilitation protocols for specific procedures performed by Dr. Cole. These are meant to serve as a guide for your physical or occupational therapist to follow throughout your recovery. Specific recommendations may be made by Dr. Cole to modify the protocol as written on your prescription due to special circumstances related to your surgical procedure.

Click on the category below that is relative to your particular procedure.

Shoulder Post-Operative Protocols

Knee Post-Operative Protocols

Elbow Post-Operative Protocols

Throwing Programs

Sports Performance

What Are Sport Assessments?

Running Assessment

Golf Assessment

Throwing Assessment

Injury Risk Assessment

Plyometric Assessment

Dr. Cole Explains Plyometric Assessments

Dr. Cole Explains Lower Body Assessments

Dr. Cole recommends sports performance assessments (throwing, plyo prep, and lower body) following certain procedures. Information regarding these assessments and scheduling can be found at


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