When will I find out my surgical time?

Dr. Cole works with his team of dedicated clinical staff and assistants to deliver safe, high-quality, expert care.
The appropriate surgical facility will give you a call the day before surgery to notify you of your arrival time/surgical time.
- Rush Surgicenter: (312) 563-2880
- Rush Oak Park Hospital: (708) 660-4800
- Gold Coast SurgiCenter: (312) 521-5500
- Rush Oak Brook Surgicenter: (630) 472-2445
- South Suburban Surgical Suites: (219) 682-4051
If unable to reach anyone please contact any of the Cole team members. Direct information can be found on in the patient surgery binder under important contact information.
To contact our office after hours or on the weekends please use our paging service by calling
If you are traveling from out of town, please call the hospital (numbers above) and let them know how they can reach you in regards to your surgical time. Let them know your cell phone number and where you will be staying the night before your surgery.
Before Your Surgery
What should I do to prepare for my surgery?
- Do NOT eat or drink anything after mid night prior to your surgical date
- Arrange for a family member or friend to accompany you to the hospital the day of your surgery.
- Plan ahead for transportation home or to the hotel the day of your planned discharge.
- Remember to adjust your work/social schedule accordingly during your anticipated recovery time.
- While taking narcotic pain medication, you will not be permitted to drive. You may need to arrange for transportation to your initial follow-up visit.
- Unless told otherwise, you will need to have a follow-up visit 7-9 days after surgery with one of Dr. Cole’s physician assistants via Telemedicine.
- You may see Dr. Cole for your first post-op appointment depending on the nature of the procedure performed or based on your preference.
- Unless told otherwise, you will need to schedule physical therapy to start the day after your initial follow-up telemedicine visit.
What should I bring with me the day of surgery?
- Photo ID
- Insurance Card
- Friend or family member who will be available the entire time and take you home after surgery
- Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing
- Shoulder/elbow surgery: zip-up or button down shirt
- Knee surgery: loose fitting pants or shorts
**Leave jewelry, money and valuables at home.
Medications to Stop Before Surgery
14 days before surgery, you need to stop:
- Any Narcotic (example., Vicodin, Norco, Darvocet, Percocet or Oxycontin)
- Advil to aspirin like products to stop 14 days before surgery
7 – 10 days before, you need to stop:
Any medications prescribed by your physician, please consult before stopping prior surgery (example: Plavix, Coumadin, Warfarin, prescribed Aspirin)
You can continue to take:
- Tylenol
- Celebrex
- Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate
- Daily Vitamins
On the morning of surgery:
- Take only medications that are for your heart (hypertension, arrhythmias, etc.)
- If you use an inhaler, please bring it with you
- If you are taking diabetic medications, you should check with your internist to determine if you should take these medications on the morning of surgery
If you are taking any other medications that are not listed, please consult with your internist prior to surgery to determine if you should continue taking the medication or to see when you should stop and resume the medication.
General anesthesia is used for many types of major surgery. During general anesthesia, the entire body including the brain is anesthetized. The patient has no awareness, feels nothing and remembers nothing of the surgical experience afterward. General anesthesia is administered by injecting a liquid anesthetic into a vein, or by breathing a gas anesthetic flowing from an anesthesia machine to the patient through a mask or tube. A plastic endotracheal tube or a mask placed over the airway is frequently used to administer gas anesthetics. With the tube in place, the airway is protected from aspiration of stomach fluids into the lungs. It is normal to have a slight sore throat after your surgery.
Injection of anesthetic into the neck region for shoulder and elbow surgery blocks pain impulses before they reach the brain. With this anesthetic, mental alertness is unaffected. Sedation, or even sleep may be offered to make you comfortable throughout the surgical experience. To receive the injection, you lie down while the anesthetic is injected into the neck or shoulder region. To make placement of the needle almost painless, your skin is first numbed with local anesthetic. This anesthetic may last for 6 to 8 hours and sometimes longer. It is important to start taking your postoperative pain medicine as soon as you begin to feel the onset of discomfort or when the numbness begins to wear off.
** Your anesthesiologist will speak with you directly prior to surgery to review your choice of anesthesia