In the spring of 2012, I had an MRI for a pulled ITB/hamstring injury and it was discovered I had stage 3/4 left knee OCD (osteochondritis dissecans), but I was asymptomatic. I took a break from playing soccer for about six weeks and went to physical therapy (PT) for my ITB/hamstring injury. I resumed playing soccer in the summer of 2012 and felt good, but as the 2012 fall season started I noticed some changes in my left knee. I did not have any pain or swelling, but I was having difficulty going upstairs, completing one-legged squats and I had limited range of motion. My knee would also lock from time to time and I felt like something was stuck in my knee. I had an overall feeling of instability in my knee and I became less comfortable cutting and pivoting. These symptoms were affecting my gait and I could no longer run or compete with explosiveness. Despite stretching before and after games, my knee continued to feel tight and stiff. In December, I took another break and went back for more PT. After completing PT, I began training for my high school season in February 2013 and was feeling better but not perfect. Following a high school game in April, I came off the field with a swollen knee and I was in a lot of pain. Surgery was scheduled to correct the OCD on April 30, 2013.
I started feeling very good about 4 weeks post-op. I completed about 20 PT sessions and went back to playing soccer at about 80% of my potential at the end of July. By August I felt 100%. Since surgery, I no longer have any pain, swelling or stiffness in my left knee. I have full range of motion; I can cut and pivot easily, complete one-legged squats and have no problem with stairs. My speed is back and my left knee feels stable. I play soccer about 7-8 hours a week and travel to play in elite tournaments around the country where I start every game. I am back scoring goals and I feel amazing! I am grateful for the surgery that helped fix my knee because I am now back and doing what I love!
Thank you again for all your great care!