After I tore my Ulnar Collateral Ligament (“UCL”) in the second start of my junior season, I felt a sharp pain every time I tried to straighten my elbow. I was never able to get it fully straight. With the UCL torn, it only hurt to throw a baseball and nothing else. I could shoot hoops, lift weights, catch a football, and even swim. However, I knew something was wrong when I could not throw a baseball past 30 feet without that sharp pain returning to my elbow.
About a month later, after an attempted rehab, I got in touch with Dr. Cole about potentially undergoing Tommy John Surgery. After the initial visit, it was evident with his credentials that if I wanted to keep playing baseball, this would be the best place to go. So, on April 28, 2016 Dr. Cole performed the Tommy John surgery on my arm.
On February 25, 2017, just less than 10 months post-surgery, I was back on the mound playing college baseball and made my first start. I am now exactly 11 months post-surgery and have made 4 starts, tallying 24 total innings. Each start I have reached somewhere between 70-90 pitches with no discomfort mid-game.
Thank you Dr. Cole for essentially repairing my arm and allowing me to continue to play the game of baseball. I highly recommend Dr. Cole to any athlete who needs this repair and give him the opportunity as he has done for many others.