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What Is an Osteotomy and Why Would You Need It?

Osteotomy is a surgical technique used to correct alignment or malunion in a bone. It may be used to fix a broken bone that healed incorrectly, remove part of a bone, or cut open a bone. Healthcare professionals use osteotomy during surgeries to correct joint concerns or injuries. It’s also used in cases when bones […]

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Anterior knee pain: What to know

Anterior knee pain is pain people feel at the front and center of the knee. It is a very common complaint caused by a wide range of muscle- or bone-related conditions or injuries. Around 1 in 4 adults have knee pain. It is the most frequent reason people consult a doctor for knee conditions. Injury […]

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Exercising With Knee Pain: Do’s and Don’ts

Plenty of studies show the enormous benefits of regular exercise on knee health and the protective advantages it can offer in keeping the structures, tissues and ligaments of the knee protected from damage now, and later in life. As long as you clear it with your physician first, you might be surprised at the knee […]

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10 Easy Shoulder Mobility Exercises That Ease Pain and Improve Range of Motion

Shoulder tightness can slowly creep up with age, affecting your ability to get adequate sleep, lift grocery bags, scrub the bathtub, or push open heavy doors. Maintaining shoulder mobility usually doesn’t become a focus until these daily activities of living become impacted—or pain and stiffness get unbearable. That’s why it’s important to take preventative action […]

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How to Unfreeze Painful Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a common and painful condition. Luckily, there are easy stretches that you can try to ease your pain. Adhesive capsulitis, better known as frozen shoulder, is an uncomfortable condition characterized by pain in the shoulder joints and restricted range of motion. “I like to describe it as bubble gum in your shoulder, […]

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