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What are the treatment options for Golfer’s elbow?

Golfer’s elbow occurs when the forearm tendons tear and become inflamed. It often results from overuse or repetitive motions. Treatment options include rest, specific exercises, medication, and surgery. Medial epicondylitis, also known as “golfer’s elbow,” is a common sports injury, although more than 90%Trusted Source of cases are not sports-related. It is most common in […]

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Hill-Sachs Lesion Injury and Deformity

A Hill-Sachs injury to the shoulder can occur due to a shoulder dislocation, resulting in a Hill-Sachs lesion or a Hill-Sachs deformity of the head of the humerus bone (the upper arm bone).As the bones in the shoulder joint dislocate, the round humeral head (the ball on the top of the arm bone) can strike […]

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Biceps Tendinitis: What Is It and What to Do About It

Biceps tendinitis is most often the result of everyday wear and tear on the muscle. In terms of sports, weightlifting is one of the high risk activities for biceps tendinitis, but this condition is a common sports injury that can happen to pros and amateurs alike.Over time and after many years of use, tendons begin […]

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12 causes of shoulder pain and treatment options

Shoulder pain can range from mild to severe and can come on suddenly or build up over time. Shoulder pain causes include fractures, tissue inflammation or tears, joint or ligament instability, and arthritis. It can also stem from conditions that don’t directly involve the shoulder at all. Treatment for shoulder pain will vary depending on […]

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A Complete Guide to Shoulder Surgery

Shoulder surgery can potentially restore pain-free range of motion and full function to a damaged shoulder joint. Surgery is a treatment for a variety of conditions in your shoulder joint. These include rotator cuff tears, shoulder dislocations, and shoulder separations. Arthroscopy is surgery using an arthroscope. An arthroscope is a long, thin instrument that contains […]

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