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Elbow Injuries and Rehabilitation

Stress on this joint can affect the surrounding ligaments and muscles and cause tissue damage. Learn more about elbow anatomy, injuries, and rehabilitation. Two ligaments are present in the elbow joint-the ulnar collateral ligament and the radial collateral ligament. These ligaments provide strength and support to the joint, as do the surrounding muscles. Source: Verywell […]

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AAOS: Underweight status increases shoulder arthroplasty complications

Underweight patients have a high number of adverse events and postoperative infections after total shoulder arthroplasty, even compared with super morbidly obese patients, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, held from March 12 to 16 in Las Vegas. Taylor Ottesen, of the Yale School of […]

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Top 10 stretches for shoulder tightness

Stiff or tight shoulders can cause discomfort and limit a person’s range of motion. If the tightness goes unchecked, it can lead to neck pain and cause tension headaches. In this article, we describe 10 shoulder stretches and their benefits. We also discuss what causes shoulder tightness and how to prevent it. Source: Medical News […]

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Tone up your triceps with these top strength exercises

Working your triceps might not always be top of mind, but toning the muscles that run along the backs of your upper arms is key to the smooth functioning of your elbows and to also give bare arms a sleeker look. From this list, triangle push-ups, dips and triceps kickbacks best engaged these muscles. Here’s […]

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Torn Elbow Biceps Tendon

Injuries to the distal biceps tendon are not uncommon. Most often occurring in middle-aged men, these injuries often occur when lifting heavy objects. Over 90 percent of distal biceps tendon tears occur in men. They are much more common in the dominant arm with over 80 percent of injuries occurring on the dominant side. While […]

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