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AI model based on deep learning detects ACL tears on knee MRI

An artifical intelligence system based on deep learning is feasible for detecting full-thickness anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears within the knee joint on magnetic resonance (MR) images, according to a study published online May 8 in Radiology: Artificial Intelligence. From the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison, and colleagues developed […]

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Got knee pain? What you need to know about alternatives to surgery

Arthritis in the knees can strike people as young as 45, with symptoms severe enough to limit activities and harm quality of life. What can be done about it? First, know that inactivity isn’t the answer. You need to move, so try low-impact exercises like walking and swimming. Researchers are also looking at possible benefits […]

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New device sheds light on mechanism, efficacy of arthritis treatment

The debate over how one of the most popular osteoarthritis treatments should be federally regulated could change, thanks to a Cornell University study and a new device that provides a better understanding of the science behind hyaluronic acid (HA) injections. The medical community has been divided over exactly how HA injections provide pain relief to […]

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Types of Knee Braces for Support and Injury Prevention

The use of knee braces in sports medicine is a controversial topic. Knee braces are used for a wide variety of problems and conditions. But do knee braces help? Functional knee braces are designed to substitute for damaged ligaments. For example, a patient who sustains an ACL tear may be offered a knee brace to […]

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Ulnar Nerve Injury

The ulnar nerve is one of the major nerves of the upper extremity. Nerves are structures that allow information to travel from the brain to the periphery of your body, and nerves can also send messages back to the brain. Nerves in the upper extremity carry important information about sensations that you can feel, and […]

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