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Published on: 07-Nov-2023

What comes to your mind when you think about a sophisticated way of exercising? Yoga should be the answer. It is a century-old practice for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Beyond the physical postures, yoga challenges the body and mind. In this article, we will try to find out the answer to “How do you feel after yoga?” We will focus on different kinds of yoga challenges.

It is obvious that we can’t fully answer from the “you” perspective. Everyone feels differently after yoga. Even the same person can feel different after each class. You are the only one who can determine how yoga affects you. However, we can use science and ancient philosophy to understand how others feel.

Possible Challenges of Yoga

Yoga challenges come in various forms—physical, mental, and emotional. They range from mastering complex poses to quieting the mind in meditation. Everyone has their own challenges in yoga. Dealing with these challenges is what makes you feel all sorts of emotions after a yoga session.

Weird Feeling after Yoga

Yoga may have a healing effect on some people. Some people start laughing and weeping without any reason after yoga. This may happen during a mentally and physically challenging yoga session. This may result from the psychological relief you get from yoga.

Physical Release and Vitality

After a lively yoga session, you usually feel a burst of energy as your body releases tension. Poses like sun salutations and balancing moves get your blood flowing, make you flexible, and wake up your body’s energy. You end up feeling light, flexible, and totally refreshed.

A Mental Symphony

The mental challenges in yoga are as integral as the physical ones. Balancing in a tree pose or maintaining focus in a challenging pose demands a lot of attention. Once you conquer those mental challenges, you often feel super clear-headed and focused. Your mind is usually buzzed with daily stuff. It gets a calm and clear vibe from yoga that goes beyond the yoga mat and sticks with you in everyday life.

Emotional Liberation

Yoga is a powerful tool for emotional release. When you do different poses in yoga, you might feel some hidden emotions. But don’t worry! Controlled breathing and being mindful make it a safe space to acknowledge and release emotional tension. As a result, practitioners often report feeling emotionally lighter and more balanced after a yoga session.

The Afterglow of Relaxation

Yoga challenges extend to the practice of deep relaxation, often experienced in the final pose, Savasana (Corpse Pose). This intentional relaxation allows the body to absorb the benefits of the practice. The afterglow of relaxation is characterized by a profound sense of peace, reduced stress, and an overall improvement in mood.

Mind-Body Connection

The mind and body are intricately connected, and yoga serves as a bridge between the two. The challenges faced on the mat create awareness of this mind-body connection. After yoga, many practitioners say that they feel more connected to their bodies. It’s like their physical sensations and mental states are all in sync.

Transcending Limitations

Yoga challenges often involve pushing physical and mental boundaries. The triumph of overcoming these challenges injects a sense of empowerment and self-confidence. After yoga, you feel more confident not just on the mat but also in facing life’s challenges. It helps you be resilient and positive.

Cultivating Gratitude

Yoga makes you grateful for your body and the chance to take care of yourself. After a session, you appreciate being able to move, breathe, and live in the moment. You’re even thankful for the challenges you faced during practice because they help you grow and discover more about yourself.

Post-Yoga Bliss

After yoga, people often talk about this amazing feeling they call ‘post-yoga bliss.’ It’s a mix of feeling physically released, mentally clear, emotionally balanced, and just overall great. This bliss is a state of contentment, peace, and joy that lingers long after the session concludes.

Sloppiness after Yoga

When your muscles shake during tough poses, it’s just your body reacting to the exercise. It’s totally normal! They usually indicate muscular exhaustion. You are not able to properly engage your muscles. This causes them to shake. Some people experience nausea if they don’t have enough time between eating a heavy meal and practicing yoga. The digestion slows because blood is diverted from the stomach to the GI tract. Keep your stomach light and hydrated. If you start feeling nauseous while exercising, do not panic. Sit back and concentrate on your breathing.

Final Thoughts

So, can you relate your feelings after yoga to this article? You may also have some different kinds of feelings. But whatever your feeling is, yoga is certainly a helpful way to overcome the challenges of life. You can put yourself into various yoga challenges to get the best results.

Yoga is like a magical thing that brings physical, mental, and spiritual benefits to you. After yoga, you can feel strong, clear-headed, emotionally stable, and totally connected to yourself. Yoga helps you handle life’s challenges, break through limits, and reveal your inner power.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Will I feel sore after a yoga session?

A1: If you’re new to yoga or had a tough session, you might feel a bit sore, but that’s normal. Yoga is meant to make you stronger and flexible without overdoing it.

Q2: How long does the post-yoga feeling last?

A2: After yoga, everyone feels different, but lots of folks enjoy the good vibes for hours. It’s like a mood and energy boost that sticks around.

Q3: Can yoga help with stress and anxiety?

A3: Absolutely. Yoga, with its moves, breathing, and meditation, helps chill out and lower stress and anxiety. It’s like a calming and relaxing combo.

Q4: Can yoga impact my sleep patterns?

A4: Yes, in a positive way. Regular yoga practice is associated with improved sleep quality. The relaxation techniques and stress reduction from yoga contribute to better sleep.

Q5: Will I feel more energized or relaxed after yoga?

A5: It depends on the type of yoga practiced. A dynamic session might leave you energized, while a gentle or restorative practice is likely to induce a deep sense of relaxation.

Q6: Is it normal to feel emotional after yoga?

A6: Yes, it’s normal to experience a range of emotions after yoga. The practice encourages emotional release, and many find it to be a cathartic and healing experience.

The post How Do You Feel After Yoga? appeared first on Sports Medicine Weekly Blog By Dr. Brian Cole.