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Published on: 23-Feb-2022

Well, for an athlete, injury is very common. Where there is one disadvantage for playing sports, there are many pros as well. It is good for your heart, respiratory system, muscles, etc. It would be ideal if playing sports only resulted in good – but this isn’t the ideal world. Sport injuries are common when people move incorrectly, make sudden contact with the ground and each other, or use excessive weight or even sudden movements can cause injuries.

There are ways to prevent or reduce the risk of injuries. The later part of this article discusses preventive measures. Before that, let’s see, what causes injury?

Common types of injuries

Sports injuries fall into two categories: acute and chronic. As the name implies, acute injuries are those that are sudden, such as an ankle sprain that occurs while landing awkwardly.

Overusing muscles or joints repeatedly causes chronic injuries. Poor technique and structural abnormalities also influenced the development of chronic injuries. It is important to medically examine the injury because sometimes what seems to be a minor sprain can be a fracture.

Here are a few of the more common sports injuries:

  • A sprained ankle causes pain, swelling and stiffness.
  • Bruises are the most common caused by falling.
  • Concussion is a temporary reversible brain injury caused by a blow to the head, often accompanied by loss of consciousness. Headaches, dizziness, or short-term memory loss are common symptoms.
  • The most common cause of cuts and abrasions is falling. Hands and knees are particularly vulnerable.
  • Dehydration can cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke if too much fluid is lost.
  • During a blow to the jaw, the teeth can crack or break, which can cause dental damage.
  • Pain and swelling are common symptoms of a groin strain.
  • A hamstring strain can cause pain, swelling, and bruising.
  • A knee injury can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness. Tendons, ligaments, cartilage, or tendons may be affected.
  • A direct blow to the nose usually results in bloody or broken noses.
  • The lower limbs are particularly prone to stress fractures. A repeated impact from jumping or running on a hard surface can eventually lead to a broken bone.

Why do you get a sports injury?

Excessive use of a muscle

An overuse injury can result in fatigue, muscle strains, and cramps caused by chronic muscle wear. Several factors could be contributing to this, including insufficient rest and insufficient healing time for muscles to recover. Alternative training with different methods is important in training routine.

Furthermore, to break through this regime, taking breaks is considered to be result-oriented. Along with preventing overuse injuries, it also confuses the muscle memory of the athletes, allowing them to recover and ready for new challenges.

Imbalance training

In the long run, it is possible for athletes to neglect the corresponding muscle groups when they concentrate too much on one muscle group. Training and working on one muscle and ignoring support muscles can lead to injuries. For an athlete, the whole body needs to perform and work together. If leaving a group of muscles behind and not building strong enough, this will cause imbalance.

Steps to avoid sports injuries

Physical check up

We can’t always see or feel our body’s weak spots and vulnerabilities. This is why a doctor’s visit is important before joining a sports team or joining a fitness facility. This allows him to identify any potential issues before it is too late.

Enough rest

Getting the proper rest for both your mind and body-is essential not only to perform at your best, but also to avoid being injured. When you aren’t well rested, your reflexes can slow down, resulting in accidents.

Proper diet

A proper diet can help in growing and recovering muscle. Make sure you follow a diet plan as a part of your ‌routine, add nutrients in your meals and multivitamins. There are so many options available for both men and women. Make sure you check these top men multivitamins for better results. Also, consulting a sports nutritionist for more information is always a good idea.


In some cases, it is very easy to avoid an injury. Keep hydrated to reduce your risk of injury and discomfort, and avoid cramps by drinking water and staying properly hydrated during the game or training.

The post How to Avoid Sports Injuries appeared first on Sports Medicine Weekly By Dr. Brian Cole.