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Published on: 20-May-2022

The reason most people visit the gym is to build their muscles. However, that is not the only way to boost your muscle gain. There are other effective ways to improve your muscle gains and workout recovery.

To achieve your quest of building your muscle effectively, you need to align your training with nutrition. In other words, the things you eat and drink are as important as your training for building muscle mass and workout recovery. The first step to take when embarking on the journey to achieving a perfect body is to know what muscle-building entails.

The act of building or stimulating the muscle to grow via exercise is known as muscle hypertrophy. It is the process of increasing muscle size through continuous and rigorous workouts. Apart from consistent and hard training, you can enhance muscle gain through a positive energy balance.

A positive energy balance means taking in more calories than you consume. The body requires about 2800 calories, so you need to eat food that will meet your body’s caloric requirement. Eating the required diet will enable you to improve your muscle mass effectively and shed excess fat.

If you are keen on enhancing your muscle size and workout recovery, consider the five essential tips below:

  • Use the Right Supplements

Apart from regular exercise, you can boost your muscle gain by taking the right supplements. These are natural substances that will increase your strength and muscle gains. Besides, they will also help in your workout recovery. One of these supplements is the CBD gummies; these products are derived from the cannabis plant. They have several medicinal and healing effects, including muscle recovery. CBD gummies come in doses, so they are easy to administer. Some of the benefits of CBD include the followings:

  1. Reduction of muscle inflammation
  2. Alleviating muscle pain
  3. It enhances the energy level
  4. It reduces muscle tension

Apart from CBD gummies, other muscle-enhancing supplements include protein powder, fish oil, creatine, carnitine, among others.

  • Eat Enough Protein

Protein is the most important micronutrient that helps in the building of the muscle. When you undergo rigorous training, the muscle tissue gets damaged. Protein helps repair the damaged tissues and enables them to grow bigger and stronger to withstand future stress.

Therefore, people that lift weights need to take more protein to meet their body’s demand. Many people are aware of this, but they don’t know the amount of protein they should eat to enable them to achieve their goal of muscle gain and workout recovery.

Based on the rule of thumb, the body needs 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein to gain a pound of body weight in a day.

  • Take in Enough Calories

Most people believe that calories only have to do with weight loss. Contrary to their belief, calories are essential factors in the processes relating to muscle growth.

Your body will lack the ability to carry out some process when your body calories are not enough. Therefore, you need to eat enough so that your body can have enough energy to recover from workouts.

The ability of the body to repair damaged tissue will be impaired if you burn more calories than you take in. Hence, you must ensure that you are not calorie deficient if you want to maximize your muscle recovery after a workout.

How do you increase the level of calories in your body You must deliberately eat food with high-calorie contents. When you supply your body with enough calories, it will have all the energy needed for a rigorous workout and muscle recovery.

  • Eat Enough Carbohydrates

During intense training, the body gains strength from glycogen stored in the body.  Glycogen, a primary source of energy during a rigorous workout, is a product of carbohydrates. The fact is that your muscle glycogen level drops when you reduce the intake of carb. And research shows that a low level of glycogen in the body can limit muscle repair and growth after a workout by inhibiting genetic signaling that has to do with this process.

Furthermore, a low-carb diet tends to decrease your muscle endurance and strength, making it challenging to embark on a rigorous exercise to stimulate your muscle growth.

The number of carbs needed to enhance your muscle recovery ranges from 0.8 to 2.5 grams for every pound of the body weight.

  • Have a Good Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene is another factor that can help to boost muscle recovery. The fact is most of the body recuperation, and rebuilding takes place during sleep. According to a study, lack of sleep can reduce muscle growth and lead to muscle loss.

Also, a single sleepless night can affect your performance during an exercise or a workout. Therefore, you should ensure that you sleep well to get the most out of your training. Make sure you sleep up to seven hours every night. Sleeping for eight to nine hours is preferable if you engage in a rigorous workout.


Going to the gym every day is not the only requirement to achieve a great body; you also need to ensure that your body recovers from these workouts and comes out stronger.

With the tips presented above, you will provide your body with the right amount of protein, carbs, and calories needed for effective muscle recovery and gain.

The post 5 Best Ways to Improve Muscle Gain and Workout Recovery appeared first on Sports Medicine Weekly Blog By Dr. Brian Cole.